Wednesday, April 6, 2011

Arrested Development

Thanks to recommendations from a few different friends, I finally started watching the first season of Arrested Development. Late to the party? Yes. But that's what Netflix is for, right? :) I'm already addicted to the show, and I'm only 5 episodes in. So far, Will Arnett's character is my favorite, although Jason Bateman's Michael Bluth is very close behind. Are you a fan of the show? Which episode do you love the most?

(Images via IMDB)


  1. I. LOVE. THIS. SHOW. I could re-watch the three seasons a zillion times and never get sick of it. The writing is perfection. My favorite characters change by the episode-- Michael, George, George Michael, Gob, Lindsay, Buster, Tobias... they all make me laugh so hard I fall victim to "silent laughter:" the kind where you laugh so hard you can't make a sound :)

  2. Kate, I am totally addicted! You are right, my favorite characters do change by the episode. I can't believe how late I am to start watching this show. Always nice to discover something on Netflix that you otherwise might have missed! :)

  3. I'm a long time fan, but I always get excited when I see new converts. You may be amused by my blog in which I explore the fashion of the characters!:

  4. @Julia: Thanks so much for sharing your blog - I love it! I'm almost finished with season one of the show and will now be re-living each episode with the fashion recaps on your blog!
