Thursday, November 13, 2014

Holiday shopping strategies

This year, I'm trying to get a jump start on my holiday shopping and avoid the December rush. I'm always such a last minute girl with Christmas! I keep thinking: If I can just iron out my gift list now, I'll be so prepared when Cyber Monday rolls around! 

Since I have time on the subway, I've been using my morning and evening commute to jot down notes about the people in my life that I love and gifts that might suit their interests. It sounds funny, but the subway is such a helpful place to ponder ideas. My goal is to at least have a finished list by Thanksgiving. Fingers crossed. ;)

Do you have any gift-giving strategies? How do you get a jump start on your shopping? Would love any tips and advice!

PS: One of my favorite sites for gift ideas!

(Image via Pinterest)

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