Friday, March 1, 2013

The weekend is here!

Happy Friday, my darling readers. Today is a big day—it's my five year anniversary of living in New York. Whoa, how do 1-2-3-4-5 years go by? When I first moved here from Boston, I promised myself one thing: Just make it through one year. After that, all bets are off. Now, it's hard for me to imagine living anywhere else. So, a toast to the last five years. For me, there's no bigger milestone than this. :) 

On that note, wishing you a wonderful weekend ahead. Here, to get it started right, a few happy posts from around the web:

Good advice.

Ode to NYC.

Because Amy Adams is lovely. (More here!)

DIY scented heart sachet.

The *cutest* Valentine ever.

Pretty thank you notes for spring.

A sexy zig zag cuff.

Tour guide for the world. 

Because this just feels appropriate. :)

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